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Posts posted by ACORN

  1. I din ;t know about that, I just started to read the comics, was curious as to how badly they would screw it up cause in my eyes when people take something like a comic or a book or game and make it into a show or movie then they are more then likely to kill it... One thing I like about the series of walking dead that the comic doesn't have is the hunter guy, can't remember his name, the comic doesn't have him or what I've read so far... He keeps the series fun for me, but personally the comic is way more intense than the series, it ends then you think ok last chapter then you finish the chapter and think okay next one is the last one

  2. LMFU... This I got to see... But at the moment we only have 384kb lines we will be getting soon 1mb lines then I'll tell theres this guy that wants to challenge you in fifa, you play

  3. Oh yeah my friend loves doing that to me, score with Casillas but it hardly happens I also win the penalty shootouts, I've lost one, I can tell what direction the balls going in, unless it goes straight... Next time he goes online I'll tell him to add you, I haven't seen him lose the only loss he has to his name is because the internet disconnected, but other than that he wins a lot and was called faggot by some Italian guy because by half time he was up 5-0

  4. walking_dead_poster.jpg

    Freaking awesome series, Resident Evil looks like crap compared to this.

    It is a cool series but read the comic it is way better cause the series is going on resident evil trip, start off with a movie that is close to the game but then after words go completely off topic and give people psychic powers... Also Another cool show to watch is revenge

  5. Shot for the heads up, but I'm more thinking of getting a PS vita as well cause I don't use my phone like I used to and it will be great to have something when I'm waiting for Clients and stuff

    Shot for the heads up, but I'm more thinking of getting a PS vita as well cause I don't use my phone like I used to and it will be great to have something when I'm waiting for Clients and stuff

  6. I know, but I prefer to get in the box and set up passes than strike from anywhere, there just more satisfaction when you score like that finding the gaps and putting together the right passes and the right runs, anybody can score fom outside the box it takes real skill to set up a goal... But it cool today I killed him today never stood a chance, sometimes fifa has this thing where they decide to do everything wrong

  7. I don't know my friend is a bad loser very bad especially when he loses to me and his brother, and he started losing after we told him to lower those special settings, that increase the speed you run at and pass at and the speed the ball travels at if you strike it, because normally he would just take shots from the half way line with Alonso and ronaldo and everybody and then the ball would go in, so we told him turn that off play right, then it was a matter of playing the ball into the box to score thats when he started to struggle against us... And he would go to any lengths to cheat....

  8. Thats the thing when he attacks with Ronaldo it is always down my left wing and I have Taiwo their who has at least 89 pace I Know it's not as fast as Ronaldo but Ronaldo Has 95 or 94 and it isn't such a huge gap between them I should be able to at least run behind him and press Circle to hold onto the player but the minute he passes me he is gone...

  9. @frstplce. I told you a couple of weeks ago something about specs and I said some stupid things about it, while I finally got the chance to start playing it, and I must say it is fun it's like rainbow six 2 but in a tps, movement is smooth, from what I can tell the HTH combat is nice and it also looks nice so all in all I would say about a 7/10 but thats just from starting off oh yes and the dialogue is nice fun to listen to, so I say get it and play it and enjoy it

  10. I got a question, my friend and I play fifa 12 a lot, he is better than me but only by a bit cause lets face it when you go online to download tuts on how to do skills and stuff and start a season with crawly town on legendary you got issues... But that aside, I play with a AC MILAN, With a Line up of


    Abate, Mexes, Thiago Silva, Taiwo


    Boateng, Nocerino

    Stephan, Pato


    I know weird line up, but it works until recently, I mean normally I could keep up with him but now all his players seem ridiculously fast even Sami Khedira, I claims it is his new formation, I am thinking otherwise, is it possible that a formation can help increase a players speed I really doubt it but can it?

    I really want to know cause I don't normally get angry at a game but that crap just pissed me off where ronaldo was blisteringly fast.

  11. A worth while purchase for me was Angelo Ogabonna he goes until 92 might be higher, started a new season, Boakye from sassuolo 19 or 18 striker, 76, but his 94 acce, 99 sprint speed but I have him in my 3rd season so b4 that I don't know, Simone verdi also epic, he starts at high 60's but ends up in high 80's spint speed becomes 99, accel, 99, agility, 99 and I always use him for those long range shots, I'm just trying to build a mostly italian team but when I see great players like Boakye I must buy, I even got rid of pato and ibra and signed youngsters I don't care if I struggle it all for the great of raising pure italians