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Everything posted by frstplce

  1. A 26 year-old Liverpool FC fan was stabbed to death at a bar in London on the eve of the victorious Carling Cup final at Wembley.

    1. The Next Berbatov

      The Next Berbatov

      RIP. Atleast its being reported as not being football related.

    2. frstplce


      Not directly no. Still a shame though if he traveled to watch the game and never made it.

  2. That's dedication there. My interest has started drifting lately. I still sign on and play a couple of matches, but my backlog of games isn't getting any smaller and there's still more good stuff on the horizon. I think next up for me is Deus Ex.
  3. Have you seen the HD remakes Sony is doing with God of War and some other titles? IMO it would be awesome to see the gameplay of Spyro or Crash maintained while getting a graphical remake worthy of 2012.
  4. You playing original disks? I have PS+ and actually got my hands on the first 3 Spyro games as free downloads a month or two ago. Classics without a doubt.
  5. We already have a thread for Battlefield. I'm glad you brought up LOTR though. Some of the reviews I've read have been fairly mixed, and I've yet to see a playable demo. It's been sitting in my Amazon list for a while now, but I'd still got a backlog of games I keep putting off. Is it worth the time investment?
  6. Server had a bit of a spike earlier causing slow loading pages. Let me know if you are still having any problems, as it should be fixed now.

  7. Slow speeds right now? I'm working on it.

  8. I am. Great game, and I haven't found a reason to go over to CoD yet, and I haven't found anything newer to amuse me online.
  9. This hasn't really been discussed among the team since it was brought up back in 2011. At the time there would not have been enough interest as our membership took a big hit moving domains. Now that things have picked up, we may have enough interest for consideration. I think running a poll in the current compilations forum would be a good start to see if anyone would be interested in participating.
  10. Just caught "A Warrior's Call" by Volbeat on the radio. Pretty good I think.
  11. Going to be a busy day. We just missed beating our record online users and the videos for the Arsenal/Manchester Utd. game aren't even up yet.

    1. frstplce


      As expected, a new record was set today. Nice to have so many people here!

    2. Sam'
    3. Sam'
  12. Ah right, thanks for pointing that out. In either case, an icon and Supports would be somewhat redundant so we'd only have one. The other being that it is FAR easier to put it into the block where the current user info resides, as that can be done through the profiles system. Putting it up next to the username would require a completely different bit of custom coding.
  13. Yes, that is how it is currently. However, to reduce space taken up by profile fields, an team image block would replace the current "Supports" block just as the Country info has replaced the Location info. Location info is no longer shown on profiles and will eventually be removed from the system entirely, leaving only the country flags.
  14. Hi, we have discussed this internally, but the problem is that we allow multiple entries in the "Supports" field. Changing to an image format would only allow a single selection, so those who do support a couple of teams would only be able to pick one. Perhaps this is something that should be discussed more among the community than just the staff. If most people are okay with being able to just pick from a single choice than I would have no problem with setting it up.
  15. Works every time. That reminds me, I need to go through my photos and see who else I can get to join here.
  16. Well, my way of looking at it is that I need to occasionally take a break and kill a few people online, or risk snapping and doing it in real life. For me, it works as stress relief. I think that may also be why I play my best and get the biggest kill streaks when I'm angry and blowing off steam.
  17. I know what you mean. My gaming time has been cut in half in the past few months, but try to find time when I can.
  18. Hi, while there are no SS specific apps, there are a number of ways to access via mobile. Check our mobile apps page here: Edit: I see Luke has already posted that link. As mentioned on that page though we do support access via Tapatalk and Forum Runner, the most common mobile forum app platforms.
  19. There are titles in every generation that are quite good yet get overlooked due to other big budget titles taking the spotlight. Not a lot of titles coming to mind this generation right now, though I did enjoy Enslaved: Odyssey to the West though it seemed to be mostly ignored. Brutal Legend was pretty cool too, though I swear it must be Tim Schafer games, as I'd also put Psychonauts on that list from last generation. Speaking of last gen, look up Beyond Good & Evil if you haven't played that too. Like Psychonauts, it got overlooked by a lot of people. I pay a lot of attention to upcoming and new releases, so I tend to catch more of these gems then a lot of people I guess. But if you haven't played any of these, at least I gave you something to look up.
  20. Perhaps one of the best. The ps1 did have a pretty good library of games though. I kind of lost track of the mgs series after the ps1 games, as I never owned a ps2 and didn't feel like jumping back into things when I got ps3.
  21. I just wanted to apologize for not being able to give a warning that the site was going to be down/moving. I received an email from our host informing us they were going to start moving immediately, which put me in a tight spot. I was already working on setting up a new server myself under a different host, one that I would have control of. When the email from our old host came through just a bit ago, I was forced to move the site to the new server I was setting up to avoid extended downtime with our old host. That said, I haven't had much time to properly test and tweak the configuration for this server, which I will be doing over the next couple of days. I want to see how much pressure this site puts on the server, as this server is just for SoccerShouts (and any other side projects I come up with). Everything was packed and moved from the old server, so everything should be intact. If you notice anything out of order, or any bugs/slowness on the new machine, please let me know either through this thread or by opening a new thread in the Account Support forum. Thanks, Bill
  22. I own Super Street Fighter 4. PS3 version, I think. My copy is in a pile of games somewhere. Good game though. I also have a copy of MGS1 on cd still in my room. Also a copy of the VR missions game that built on the VR training from the first game. One of the better PS1 games IMO.
  23. Well, I've got speed but also caps. Granted, the cap is 250gb per month, but it is still a cap. They keep boosting the actual speeds here without raising the cap. Easy to get 40mbps here, and I'm seeing some carriers boosting it to 100mbps. I don't really download all that much anymore, so I don't worry about it.
  24. Ah okay. I was imagining a download that took 3-4 hours and a campaign lasting less than that. Homefront that I mentioned before really had a like 6 hour campaign. I think I beat it in a single day.
  25. That's a shame when a game is that short. I played Homefront a few months ago and it was only a few hours long. Fortunately I had only rented it so I didn't feel too cheated.