John Flushing

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Everything posted by John Flushing

  1. I hate the fact that the Men's World Cup is so tiny. If it is the most important trophy in the world then it should at least have some heft to it (and perhaps be an actual cup).
  2. I hate when people lose their season tickets for frivolous reasons. I disagree with what the powers-that-be are doing.
  3. I hate the fact that so many people consider Asia and Europe to be two continents. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that they are one continent. Claiming that Europe and Asia are separate continents would be like claiming that Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland are two separate islands.
  4. If this forum is seeking funds, then one method of fundraising which I have seen implemented successfully at the Wheresgeorge website is an Amazon Affiliate link. It enables me to give above and beyond the 7 dollars a month I pay for my premium membership over there. This is little more than an idea that I am floating so please feel free to criticize it as much as you want.
  5. I hate the fact that the skiing/snowboarding/sled-riding companies jack up their prices at this time of the year. The 200-dollar sled that I was looking to buy is now a 300-dollar sled. I am now debating with myself whether or not to sled down the mountain on a piece of cardboard.
  6. Velvet is rougher than sandpaper.
  7. I hate velvet. I would rather wear sandpaper than wear something so rough and uncomfortable.
  8. I am an adult, and I still watch Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (despite the fact that it is supposedly a kids' show). And since I have never been to the dentist, I recently learned (courtesy of Fred Rogers) that everyone who goes to the dentist wears a bib (even grown-ups).
  9. I hate the Good King Wenceslas song with every fibre of my being. The lyricist did an even worse job than the composer, if that is even possible. If the lyricist wanted to experience something that was crispy (I won't even get into the other adjectives he used to describe the snow), then he should have driven his snowmobile to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
  10. Having to watch some of my best friends in the whole world wear unsightly metal braces. I cannot understand why any sane orthondist in his right mind could sell something other than invisalign.
  11. Woman marries herself. I'm anxious to see what will happen when she divorces herself.
  12. Delete/ignore.
  13. Source. That driver is quite the daredevil. I have a scary enough time driving a motorcycle at merely 50 M.P.H.
  14. I hate the fact that ski resorts do not allow sledding. As one who prefers to use a sled I deserve the excitement of going up the lift and then rushing down the high mountain.
  15. I would much prefer to drive on the left side of the road. The day that I can drive on the same side of the road that I walk on is the day that my life as a licensed driver will be glorious.
  16. The subtitle (as far as I remember) used to say "or strongly dislike," but the recent upgrade to the software eliminated subtitles from threads. I dislike the removal of subtitles from Invision Power Board.
  17. I once ate at a Chinese food place and the woman sitting behind me (speaking to a man) raised her voice and said, "I AM NEVER GOING TO SPEAK TO THAT MAN EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's going to be reflected in the will!!!!" I am sure that there is a story behind that which is none of my concern.
  18. I once had a job in which the employees constantly told negative stories about each other behind each other's backs (it was enough to make me wonder what they had to say about me behind my back, although a part of me didn't want to know). I obviously never repeated the stories, because I felt that if I had repeated their stories, then I would have been just as bad as they were.
  19. Having to resort to bizarre measures just to warm up my motorcycle and to get it to start in this freezing weather.
  20. What frustrates me is the strangers who are always asking me questions about my motorcycle (which I drive because it is cheaper than driving a car, not because I am seeking a form of recreation). In order to keep them at bay, I often have very intense telephone conversations, and this is despite the fact that my telephone doesn't work (these people have no way of knowing that no one is on the other end, but what concern is it of theirs?). Sorry to have to disappoint everyone, but I am not interested in your conversation.
  21. Personally I feel that a movie is not something that easily lends itself to individual conversations. It's impossible for me to process both the movie and a conversation at the same time. That's part of why I haven't been to a movie house since February of '04; furthermore, I have spent some of my discretionary income (what little I have) on minor-league baseball even though I don't really consider myself to be a baseball fan. A live baseball game, unlike a movie, is carefully designed (in my experience) in such a way as to ensure that you can socialize at exactly the same time that you receive cheap entertainment.
  22. As one who does not have a car, what frustrates me (to a certain extent) is the fact that people act like jerks toward motorcyclists all the time. I once got passed on a double yellow line by a white pickup truck, and this is despite the fact that I was driving at five miles per hour above the speed limit (so there's no way the truck driver could have argued that he was stuck behind a slow-moving motorcycle). Apparently seeing me do 50 miles per hour in a 45 mile per hour zone just wasn't fast enough for the guy.