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Everything posted by Lukemeister

  1. I'll look into getting it then dude
  2. Im considering it.
  3. Sounds awesome
  4. Yeah that annoys me.
  5. Ah ok
  6. im smarter then you think ;)

    1. Riva'Bianconer8
    2. komodo
    3. frstplce


      Sorry though Luke, but I couldn't resist. Still, you've at least provided us with entertainment.

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  7. Justice for the 96 YNWA <3

  8. What's wrong with velvet?
  9. Played the new Pro Evo demo at a friends earlier, imo its alright but not as good as fifa
  10. Remember post your suggestions and feedback here guys
  11. Pretty much any film with Jason Statham in it is good.
  12. Hahahaha ben
  13. Shes hot
  15. Redhead
  16. Speeding traps .
  17. Am i allowed to advertise my drugs cartel on here please Bill? I'll up your cut of the profit if you let me .
  18. GUSS WHOS BACK!!!!!!!

    1. Lukemeister


      haha :P how long you been a member of SS dude?

    2. komodo


      I think it's been a year now....not been that active though.

    3. Lukemeister


      Ah ok cool man :) good to see you active :D

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  19. A lot of new rappers suck to be honest, the old school rappers are the best ones.
  20. Human Traffic 8/10
  21. What music does everyone on SS listen to (as in genre). I appreciate all styles of music but im mainly into Dubstep and old school Rap/Hip Hop.
  22. Plying LOTR war in the north at the minute, its a pretty decent game plent of action and a neat RPG side to it also even though i doiubt it competes with Skyrim. What are you currently playing?
  23. Mine was the classic Sega Saturn when i was like 7 or 8, its amazing how much they have developed since then. What was yours?