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Everything posted by Lukemeister

  1. Changed the permissions settings on this thread so anyone can give us feedback or suggestions
  2. Few minor updates this week FB style chat: you can now have live chats with anyone you have as a friend on SS no matter what page you are viewing I have also added a direct link button to here on our Facebook fan page
  3. cant wait for the weekend again

    1. Toño


      Enjoy every day, Luke ;) You'll never know as some Monday may be quite awesome!

    2. Lukemeister
  4. liking it already bill
  5. Old topic i know but cant believe Clarksons been suspended hahah whoops
  6. Ah yeah i remember that yeah try get it back bill
  7. Looking for feedback on how to improve SoccerShouts guys, any suggestions?
  8. hahaha i may get reading soon, i read magazines if that counts
  9. other interests
  10. Party lifestyle i need a woman to calm my ways
  11. I wouldnt know first thing about using a fax machine
  12. I used to read loads when i was younger not so much now
  13. Wow id have only been 11 when SP first opened then
  14. i feel sick and tired
  15. ill add ya later
  16. Whats your gamertag bro
  17. Ah im on xbox 360 sorry dude
  18. What console you on mate?
  19. Classic Linkin Park
  20. hahaha very funny bill Ah cool Leo
  21. Thats cool to know dude
  22. GI Joe, Retaliation, 7 out of ten decent film FAST AND FURIOUS 7 IN LESS THEN A MONTH WOO
  23. Hey guys as you may have noticed earlier we had a case of nearly all our threads going missing and some quite lengthy downtime earlier. What happened was a staff member abused access to delete a large amount of content. We restored from a database backup to put things back in order. Only about 18 hours worth of posts were lost, so haven't lost hardly any content , the staff member in question has been removed from his position for the foreseable future. Luckily with me and Bill knowing each other quite a few years now we have other means of communication if SS is ever down, we had a nice discussion about what happened and safeguards have been put in place to prevent anything like this ever happening again so rest assured all your content is 110 percent safe . Any questions/love/hate for me or Bill post them here
  24. No one fucks with SS haha me and Bill are too good