Rated R

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About Rated R

  • Rank
    Life force

Profile Information

  • Supports
    Chelsea, Atlético Madrid
  • Fav. Players
    Agüero, Drogba, Lampard, Terry, Koke, Borini
  1. Hey, mate. You coming back?

  2. Yea I've seen "Legend" before and to think of it, it sounds better than VIP cause then thats saying other people aren't important as well, which isn't true as a collective of people we all make SP what it is.
  3. Thats cause you need your xbox gold....nothing to do with FIFA. PS3 is the God of consoles
  4. I've already touched on that point and like wise with Bill. Post count would encourage spamming.
  5. Well the high post count one would just get people posting alot of drivel and just make it harder for admins to either delete the posts or to ask them to add more substance to their posts rather than just spamming for a high post count and blah blah. I do notice on a few forums they have "VIP's" for members that contribute alot to the forum. It's just a nice gesture I think even though it's not needed. I do think something along the lines of a group for the people that help and stuff would go down well, although you'd probably get people helping out, posting good topics just to get into said group. I guess it's something for you guys to mull over, this forum is still quite new, just nearly 2 months old. I'm just thinking of helpful suggestions that are realistic. Oh and it's morning here ;)so in the am....10.40am as i type.
  6. Well I was thinking of it as more of something to implent in the future when more people join. I'm trying to get all the people I know to join up so should fill up nicely.
  7. I know it's been mentioned that you don't need financial help, atleast not yet as the forum is still rather small but I was thinking the supporters group was quite decent as you had true people wanting to keep this amazing forum running (like myself I supported for 2 years). I guess what I'm getting at, alot of people like extra stuff, private forums (won't reveal to the non supporters), a shiny orange name which most wont pink. Also you had the extra name changes, ability to lock and delete your own topics and the warm feeling of helping a great forum. Actually this suggestion is just something more for the future and doesn't have to be a supporters group, we all want this new sp to work and be great but for me I would like to consider it a new place with some old faces. So like little helper groups that aren't moderators...I don't know maybe I'm rambling but it's just a suggestion and maybe i'll review my post and think of more or lessen what i've thought of. If you've reached here without reading the above, shame on you! If you have then thank you
  8. I wouldn't kick her out of bed....
  9. They are the same girl....are you thinking they are different girls?
  10. alrite mate how u doing?

  11. In Fifa10 you can add your face into the game , it's called GameFace and it's really cool. My vote goes to FIFA10 as it's always been my fav but with FIFA10 the movement is alot smoother than 09 and all the skill moves, the graphics, the game play, the online play is just top stuff but there could be improvements.
  12. I'm on the Avatar band wagon of 1000000000000000000000/10 and such ridiculous numbers. Anyways it's a movie you HAVE to see in 3D otherwise it kinda spoils the amazing experience of such a fantastic movie. There is a 2nd one coming out as well which will focus on the relationship more. Although quite funny that people are suicidal over this movie cause they want to live on Pandora lol. Oh also watched John Carpenters In The Mouth of Madness and I rate it a 7.5/10, great little horror with some twists, must see.
  13. This game and CODMW2 are both games recommended to me, more so on the latter mentioned. This Uncharted 2 though intrigues me to the extent that I'm highly considering it but exactly how does the online game play work out. Ofcourse one thing that does grasp me is the visuals but you gotta have that gameplay feat.
  14. I do. Anyways I love this game, I'm always playing pro ranked matches with my pro. It's awesome but if you're on a team that is utter rubbish and barely passes you the ball then your pro starts to go off form and that is really irritating. Was playing last night, had a 93 on my shooting skills and it's dropped to 89 due to having to try and defend more as the teams were terrible. Anyone on a club? Should do a SP pro club, I've been on 4, 1 was a top 20 team in europe, the others I joined cause a friend kept club hopping and getting me to join cause we link up well, he gets bags of goals and i get assists. Anyone using the gameface? I got mine but recently it keeps coming off and makes me look like a muppet in game. Reminds me to re-apply the GF.