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About G'Man

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  1. My decision is made ! F*ck all the hypocrits, they will recognize themselves !

    1. pali15888


      Back Galataman, many appreciate your great work

  2. I was on the old SP for years
  3. Just tried now, the Classic skin is very pleasant to use and makes the forum more readable in my opinion. Great work !
  4. On vacation / Tatilde ...

  5. I'm retiring from capping for good.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. erdemzi


      That's been the worst news ever. Thanks for everything Galataman..Hope you the all best for you..Now we are all orphan in terms of Turkish Leauge..

    3. Erdz_GS


      Your work was much appreciated, I like your honesty and it was a pleasure downloading from you, hope all goes good in your personal life and you can enjoy the things you've been missing.

  6. I was wondering if there's any option to mark all forums read. I can mark a specific forum read individualy but not the whole site.
  7. Hello brother, do u have Man United Vs Everton Highlights, Same quality like your individual links about the MOTD Matches?

    1. G'Man


      I don't have it in the same format cos MOTD didn't show this match

    2. sourish2


      do u have any quality but a long extended highlights? from sky sports?

  8. PM atılmıyor, e-mail de. Maçları yayınladığın forumu bildirirsen sevinirim.

  9. Galataman naber kardeş Bana da şu BJK maçı linkini gönderebilirmisin dönüş yapıyorum bende artık.

  10. Galataman naber kardeş Bana da şu BJK maçı linkini gönderebilirmisin dönüş yapıyorum bende artık.

  11. Galataman naber kardeş Bana da şu BJK maçı linkini gönderebilirmisin dönüş yapıyorum bende artık.

  12. Hocam 5 mesajım olmadığından PM atamıyorum, paylaşım yaptığın diğer forumu söyleyebilir misin?

  13. I like it