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Soccershouts On Mobile

3 posts in this topic

I posted this as an article that is available at the top of the page, but though a proper announcement would be helpful.

SoccerShouts supports a customized browsing experience on your mobile smartphone. We have a number of options for visiting the site when not at your computer.

Forum Access

Direct Access - Supported mobile phones will load a feature limited mobile layout just by accessing the site from your phone. This mobile skin will allow you to browse and respond to threads without any added software.

For iPhone users:

Browse with Tapatalk. Tapatalk for iPhone provides full forum access on iPhone including ability to check private messages, upload photos from your camera and ability to search forum, etc. All with super-fast direct forum access at only $2.99.

Use the official Invision app (FREE). Now you can catch up with your favorite communities even when you're on the go, with the new IP.Board iPhone application. Add your favorite communities for quick access, then browse with ease.

For Android users:

Browse with Tapatalk. Tapatalk for Android has most of the same features of our iPhone version plus other unique highlight such as Widget, Themes and Message Notification support. It supports Android 1.6 or higher. Well tested on Droid X and Nexus S. Tapatalk for Android is currently ranked as Top 3 Android app (Paid, Social) at the Android Market!

For Blackberry:

Tapatalk for Blackberry (FREE). Tapatalk for BlackBerry is currently in public beta testing. You can download it using OTA (Over-The-Air) method by entering in the BlackBerry Browser.

For Nokia:

Tapatalk for Nokia (FREE). Tapatalk for Nokia supports all S60 3rd and 5th Edition devices, that covers almost all the Nokia medium to high-end model!

Watch SoccerShouts video content on the go!

SoccerShouts member Samer has created an excellent app for viewing videos from iPhone and Android. These apps are free to install, advertising supported.

Android version

iPhone Instructions

For Zune: Search "SoccerPulse" from your phone in the marketplace, on on PC using the Zune software.


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Thats looking pretty cool man good work.

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Updated with info provided by Samer regarding a Windows phone 7 app.

I'm surprised to see few people using the mobile features. I've been using it on my old Blackberry and it works nicely. I'm sure those accessing it with the proper apps for Android and iPhone will have an even better experience.

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