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Downtime > Server Move

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Glad to be back up so soon. Annoyed by the previous hosts. Sue them Bill

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That costs more money than it's worth. I just want to get that money back, and put it behind me. Not worth the trouble to give them any more attention.

Also, to anyone that was didn't get the details on this earlier, keep an eye on the SS facebook page. I was keeping up to date posts on there about the site status, and I also posted an announcement on SoccerPulse, in case anyone thought to check that.

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Considering the amount it isnt huge. But if you sue them you could sue them for the money they took from you and the additional cost that been incurred on the case. Anyways if you get the money back quickly its good enough.

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Glad to see that everythings fine again, hopefully not have any problems like this again in the future.

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I experienced exactly the SAME situation when I had my website, some hosts are doing this trick to move you on a dedicated server which is of course 10 times more expensive thant the standart plan.

I'm glad you did not give in to their blackmail.

I know that's a difficult situation but I hope the present host is the good one.

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The external links opening in a new tab have stopped again. They open in a new tab but redirect the SS page to the external link as well just like before.

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Interesting, I will look into it. Not sure why it comes back now.

Edit: I think I got it. Let me know if you still notice the issue.

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Yes it is working fine now. :)

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There will be some issues today as our host has moved to a new datacenter. If you are noticing outages with the forum or pages not loading correctly this is due to the move and subsequent changes to the sites IP address. Hopefully this will all be cleared up shortly.

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