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Possible Weather Related Outage

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As many of you probably know, there is a nice big hurricane projected to head up along the eastern coast of the United States on Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, our host does reside in that projected path (Clifton, New Jersey). Because of this, there is a chance that the weather could cause power or connectivity outages effecting SoccerShouts ability to remain online. Should the lights go out, we are at the mercy of work crews to get the power or connections restored. I'm hoping we don't see any problems but as usual I wanted to give a heads up so everyone knows what happened if the site disappears for a while.

On a side note, our host is about 2 hours north of my location, so I'll be sitting through the same storm but just a bit sooner. Should be fun.

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:( hope it doesn't effect us man, thanks for the heads up anyway and be carefull man.

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Thanks for the heads up and take care mate.

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As many of you probably know, there is a nice big hurricane projected to head up along the eastern coast of the United States on Saturday and Sunday.

Had no idea until I saw your post. At least now I know what to expect.

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