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New Modern theme

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Today I am announcing the general availability of a new theme for all members entitled simply, "Modern". A preview of the new theme is available below. This theme may not be for everyone, but that is why we offer several to choose from.

Some of the features of this new theme include: reduced page scrolling due to use of hover for descriptions, faster thread loading with a reduced member info block, and a customizable color selector to add your own bit of personalization as you browse.

As with all skins, you can select this theme for use by using the "Change Theme" link at the very bottom of the page.


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Finding out how the new theme looks like it's similar to open a present. And yay, I'm already in love with it! A lil' bit tired from Simple Blue and frankly didn't really expect a new one is coming. Looks & feels absolute great, I'm a bit confused with how numbers displayed in this new font (look at 'Count to 2013' thread for example, when sometimes last number kinda up higher than others) but just need to get used to it. Love the possibility to change the colour on top of the topic, I have a little glitch with it though, but it's ok. Gonna use it right now and looking forward to make it my # 1 (:

By the way, any chance to change main top blue colour or is it just permanent part of theme? That one with SS badge I mean.

Thank you for good update, appreciate it very much! (:

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The top part of the theme is a permanent element. I considered changing the color, but that would effect everyone. Blue is fairly easy to match with the color picker, some others not as much. I too have a small glitch on the color picker, that once I select a color and click the check mark to okay it, I can't open the picker again. If that is the problem you are having, it works again if you refresh the page.

I do have a couple more themes planned for the future, but there is an update to Classic I need to work on first, and a huge gallery issue with Create that also needs to fixed.

As for Simple Blue, I've yet to find "the one" that will replace it as default. It's still a bit plain for my liking, but it did go over well. It is still the most user-selected theme. Prime, which was actually a favorite of mine, seems to have gone over quite poorly, so it seems the search will continue.

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Good to know about new themes coming in the future, it's always nice to have something new from time-to-time. And I agreed about top part, blue is certainly one of the most easy-looking colour, no wonder why's Simple Blue Theme so popular, it is very neutral and chill.

Glitch I have been talking about quite simple - when I trying to pick a colour it seems a lil' outplace my cursor so you need a bit patience to put in the right place you want. I don't know how better explain it , just a bit mess with picking a colour, so a few minutes of tricky skills and you're good (:

Also 'Like This' feature at the bottom seems kinda lost for me (probably because it's just a text now instead of being a button in Simple Blue).

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Also I would like to know is there any possibilities for the future themes to customize the background as well (change colours)? And how about option to view full personal info ?

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Billo did you add the Mention addon as well? Loving the updates.

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It's part of the addon for selective quoting, so yeah. Trying to add more features to the board. More stuff still to come, I just need another day with more free time to get it done.

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Do you receive notification when I use the mention addon? Do I need to change my settings?

Take your time to bring the updates.

Edit : You just mentioned me in a comment and it works. I am getting a notifcation.


Edited by The Next Berbatov

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Notification will be sent only if "Notify me when someone quotes my posts" option is enabled in UCP notification preferences by member.

I have those notifications turned off for my profile, but if you have it enabled on yours then you should receive the notification.

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