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Site Update Q4 2012

28 posts in this topic

That's a nice update I must say. I noticed a thumbnail preview of the threads early and liked it. Also new themes are always welcome for me so looking forward to the upcoming ones, for now usin' Modern and absolute delighted with it!

Not sure how's @mention system works though, is it come on private messages or just other way? Well I'll figure it out anyway.

Also would love to see a tutorials, guess it will be quite useful & intersting stuff!

And also would like to know what does 'a monthly member spotlight' means (:

Good work guys, I appreciate every single bit of it so thank you for updates and for keepin' this place sharp & lookin' good!

@mention notification will be shown in the Notifications drop down at the top of the board if you are mentioned. However, notification will be sent only if "Notify me when someone quotes my posts" option is enabled in your control panel notification preferences.

Tutorials would be started with just stuff about the board, but may be expanded to allow people to post stuff like video editing tutorials and maybe graphics type tutorials if our graphics section ever makes a comeback.

Ive noticed instant chat doesnt work when im logged in Facebook or is it just me?

I haven't noticed that issue, but I'm rarely ever on FB. I just figured something was totally strange with your account, because I looked at your account at 3:13am (my time), and it showed you active, but you weren't even showing on the active user list. Anonymous or not, I should have known you were there. Maybe refresh your cache to get all of the new changes?

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@frstplce oh yeah I actually got that notification just right now on your quote on my post, great, thanks (:

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Hey I see what you did - I like the green as well as new status, thanks (:

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I got tired of the default black. If you haven't been able to tell by the super bright colors for mods and admins, I really like color. So I decided members needed some too. Also helps identify at a quick glance what active posters we have online.

I also lowered the requirement of getting out of New Members and into Full Members to only 3 posts. That restriction still exists because New Members can only private message staff to prevent spam.

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Yep I'm with you here, I really like it too.

Seems like to get a full member achievement not a big deal right now (:

upd: just noticed - what happened with video compilation bar above forums? I really liked that you can see few last vids not the only one ):

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I was planning for something else to take its place. Stay on the site for a few, we can see how this goes.

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Yep, I certainly will (:

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Pretty Cool. Probably wont use that chat thing though.

I can't check Notifications.

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I can't check Notifications.

On just the new skin or all skins?

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Didn't even know you can change it. But yeah on the new one I had two notifications but I Can't click them to view them.

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