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frstplce Short URL

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Nice work Bill. Will make a use of it on facebook

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If today wasn't Easter I'd be getting that start page for the site done. But as it is I am tied up with family, but I hope to get it launched later this week.

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Some time towards family is needed mate. Enjoy

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After getting a bit sidetracked with other work, I almost forgot about the work that needed to be done here. We now have a working home for While you can continue to create shortened links through SoccerShouts as usual, by using the homepage for you can also create customized links (ie: Additionally, by adding the bookmarklet from the homepage to your bookmarks toolbar you can quickly create a short link from any page you are visiting.

Let me know what you think of the new page and options:

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I am not that regular user of those short links, but I did check the main page and also tried that little trick with bookmarks. Works very quick - pretty handy option indeed!

Thanks for the update :)

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Didn't really figure out how to use the custom shorten as it didn't work. Whats the word limit on it?

And what is the book market?

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Not sure about word limit, I tried the short one.

As for bookmarks, I think it's just you makes this site ( favourite or as it explained, just drag it into your bookmarks bar so while you are visiting other pages you can just click it ( thus it will create you short link.

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Just tried customization again. Seems like there's no particular restriction for word limit (you are not going to make it long name anyway, right), but I noticed sometimes first letter from the name just disappear. As for name title I think it's more for FB & Twitter.

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Yup the first alphabet from the word went missing in my case as well. I ll try it later now

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Not sure where it would be dropping a letter. Just created a link to this thread as

How long were you going for? Another potential bug is that random generation was only set to use lower case, so it's possible it was chopping the first letter on a custom URL if it was entered in upper case. I'm adjusting it to use a full character set now, which might resolve that problem (if it was even the issue to begin with).

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