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Gallery Reminder

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Just a reminder that the image gallery will be shutting down in two weeks on September 1st. If you have any personal images you want to save a backup copy of, please do so before the deadline. After this date, the gallery will be shut down and all uploaded images will be removed from the server.

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Thanks for reminding. I was about to upload some stuff considering we werent shutting it down.

Will I need to make backup of my avatar as well made from cropping an image from gallery?

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Tapatalk 4

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Will I need to make backup of my avatar as well made from cropping an image from gallery?


Nope. Your photo is in the profile images folder, which means it is separated from the gallery content.

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As previously noted, the scheduled removal of the image gallery has taken place today. Closing topic.

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