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Riva :D long time no speak bro

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Riva, long time no see. How have you been?

Busy my friend. I've devoloped a platform of communication exclusively dedicated to goalkeepers. It's been a success here in Portugal, so I don't have much time. And you?

Riva :D long time no speak bro

Indeed my friend. Good times.
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New Members can now use the PM system immediately. This is kind of old news, as the change actually happened a few weeks ago but went unannounced at the time. After a very long period of testing, I'm confident our anti-spam measures are sufficient that by allowing everyone immediate access you won't start receiving lots of PM's about prescription drugs and fake designer clothes.


New Members are still more restricted than established members and can't use the mass PM functions and are limited to how many messages they can send per day. I do believe that this is a fair compromise versus the complete block that New Members were previously subjected.


In making these changes, the chat bar was removed. It's function was pretty redundant now that all members can communicate 1-on-1. It also reduces management time, as the chat was operated as a separate system from the rest of the forum, and being mostly unmonitored was a bit heavy on spam.

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By now, at least a few people may have been presented with a notice regarding their use of an ad blocker here on the site. I hope you can all understand, but I'm just trying to keep the site alive. Over the past couple of years, our daily traffic has continued to increase, but ad revenue is actually heading in the other direction. Several weeks ago, I ran some monitoring software from a company called PageFair, and was only slightly surprised to see that as many as 40% of our visitors are blocking ads.


Please, disable your ad blockers for this site. The only ads come from Adsense. We don't like agressive, noisy ads that move around the page with you. So you won't find them here.


If you still hate ads, consider purchasing a subscription. I'd like to think the cost isn't too high, and you do get some extras. This way you are still supporting us but never see ads.


Lastly, there's NoScript. With this you will stop the ad blocker notice from appearing. This is a forum that uses a lot of scripts though, so without some configuration you may find functions on the board doesn't seem to work right. I'm sure some of our tech-savvy users are already running NoScript. If you really don't want to support this site, this will really help you out, but it will make me sad. :(

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Yeah come on guys!!!! we've had to put in a lot of hard work and invested out of our own pockets, plus adverts dont cost you anything!!!! Just turn adblocker off when you visit SS :D


We are doing our utmost in any way we can to make this Forum stand out from others and be the ultimate place for videos AND discussion, if we work together as a team ;) we can easily acheive it, all of you can play your part whether your a newbie or been here since the birth of SS ( working here is hard and tortuous but shhh don't tell frstplce  :ph34r::P), we are all as important as each other :).

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