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FBTZ/MaXxed Outage

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i tried to register and a vBulletin message popped up written "Sorry, registration has been disabled by the administrator."

there's anyone here with this problem too?

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Registration has been disabled there for quite a while, so that's the fbtz admin desire ;)

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Far as I know, registration has been an issue for years. This was more of a public service message for older members that had accounts, as the site has been around for a long time.

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Maxxed football forums has been down for a while now, does someone knows when they are up again?

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I hadn't checked lately so I wasn't aware of that. It is my opinion that they won't be coming back. At least, not with the old forum. I'm sure someone could start a similar site and try to get old members involved, but that might be as close as it gets.


When they lost control of the domain, I think it was a sign of things to come. Ownership had long been abandoned, which is why no one was around to fix it. Accessing the site through the IP address was a workable solution for a while. But it appears with no one in control, no one was probably paying the bills either. So it seems the entire site has finally shut down. All of this is speculation, as I have no special knowledge of what is really going on. But this does seem to be the most likely scenario.

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A revival as a subreddit?  :( As someone who operates a proper forum, and knowing a few other fine folks who also operate traditional forums, this makes me sad. The inability to really have any real customization beyond a few CSS edits and ***** all in terms of organization makes it nearly worthless for categorized discussion.


Reddit surely works in many scenarios, but this is one it certainly won't excel in. Of course, we're also talking about replicating the a shut down but popular forum that was a giant cluster ***** having all their video threads in a single forum anyway. :doh:


Update July 8: With nothing new to report and FBTZ not recovering, I'm going to close this thread now. I welcome anyone finding their way here to take a look around. We'd be happy to have you here! If by some miracle FBTZ does come back, I will reopen this thread to share that info.

Edited by frstplce
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