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Okay just saw a few things 

Tags are now limited to maximum 15 characters which wasn't the case earlier.  Also have Prefix been removed from the video forums and need to be reconfigured again as it was an addon? 


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1 hour ago, The Next Berbatov said:

Okay just saw a few things 

Tags are now limited to maximum 15 characters which wasn't the case earlier.  Also have Prefix been removed from the video forums and need to be reconfigured again as it was an addon? 


RE: tags - I limited it to 15 characters. Give me a more reasonable number if you wish. Tags are most useful when they are similar, so the longer the tag the more opportunity for variability. Here I was thinking 15 might have been excessive.

Prefix - That's more or less gone. It was an addon before, and the price for the new version is now more expensive to maintain than the cost of the forum itself. Without it, prefixes are just as open-ended as the tags. Probably more valuable to concentrate on thread naming so the search system is most effective.

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I thought so. Only problem with 15 limit is I wasn't able to use "Manchester United" completely as a tag. Anyway, I'll use ManUtd in the future. 

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Site may be temporarily slowed while massive pruning of the member database takes place. As previously announced, old unused accounts are being removed. Any account that has 0 posted content and has not logged in since Oct. 7, 2015 will be included in the purge. This affects (sadly) the majority of accounts on the site. Approximately 20% of registered accounts will remain.

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Time to clean the house!

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1 hour ago, Toño said:

Time to clean the house!

Exactly. Now that we aren't requiring registration just to view links, registrations will be much, much lower. But hopefully those that are taking the time to register prefer to participate, letting guests hit & run if they were only interested in the downloads.

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Individual league discussion boards have been combined into a single Teams & Leagues discussion forum. Should post activity warrant an expansion again in the future it will be considered. But recently there has been little to no actual discussion.

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